Term |
Description |
access control |
baby monitor |
Baby monitors provide in-house video and audio baby monitoring. Daycare video systems like InventWorld WebScope are sort of an advanced baby monitors that allow multiple parents to monitor their children at a daycare via the Internet. If your baby monitor can be connected to a TV, then it can also be connected to your computer via an adapter, and you can broadcast the video over the Internet using InventWorld WebScope video broadcasting service. If you use a webcam instead of baby monitor's camera, you can connect the webcam directly to your computer and start broadcasting in minutes.
bandwidth |
bandwidth cost |
by parents for parents |
camcorder |
child care center |
child care center camera system |
child care center monitoring |
child care center safety |
child care center video system |
child care centers |
child care provider |
child care review |
Video broadcast is an excellent tool to establish reputation for a new daycare. |
child safety |
childcare |
childcare camera systems |
childcare center |
childcare center monitoring |
childcare center security camera system |
childcare center security cameras |
childcare centers |
childcare industry |
childcare review |
Childcare centers always get high marks for daycare video broadcasts. |
childcare video |
client |
data center |
day care cams |
day care centers |
day care review |
Parents indicate Internet viewing as one of the key factors when selecting a daycare. |
day care video |
day care web cams |
day care webcams |
daycare |
daycare camera system |
daycare camera systems |
daycare cameras |
daycare cams |
daycare center |
daycare monitoring |
daycare monitoring system |
daycare monitoring systems |
daycare owners and directors |
Daycare owners and directors recognize daycare video broadcasts as an exellent marketing tool and a very strong competitive advantage. The system also helps owners and directors monitor all business branches at once from anywhere.
daycare review |
Daycare centers always receive high marks for helping parents see their children during the day. |
daycare security |
daycare security cameras |
daycare surveillance systems |
daycare video |
A set of equipment and services that enables parents to remotely watch their children at a daycare. |
daycare video broadcast |
daycare video streaming |
daycare video streaming system |
daycare video system |
daycare video systems |
daycare web cams |
daycare webcam |
daycare webcams |
daycares |
digital camera |
digital video |
digital video cameras |
digital video surveillance |
do-it-yourself setup |
dome cameras |
encoder |
frames per second |
from parent to parent |
Nearly all daycare video systems, including InventWorld WebScope were put together by parents out of concern for their own children. |
grandparents |
Very often grandparents live hundreds or thousands of miles away and only see their grandchildren once a year. Watching grandchildren smile is best part of the day, and video broadcasts are here to make it happen.
indoor camera |
insurance discount |
internet connection |
live streaming video broadcast |
live video |
live video broadcast |
live video stream |
monitoring system |
multi-camera system |
nanny cams |
night vision |
open door policy |
Obviously child care providers allow parents to walk in and see their children at any time. Providers see daycare video broadcasts as simply an extension of existing open door policy, and a 21th century tool that help parents to "walk in".
outdoor camera |
pan-tilt-zoom cameras |
parents |
The term parents may include all the family members. Usually grandparents and relatives can get access too. A separate account and a payment may be required.
professional installation |
recorded video |
Recorded video helps make sure everybody plays by the rules. |
remote access |
remote viewing |
secure daycare cameras |
secure streaming video |
security camera |
security cameras |
security systems |
setup cost |
streaming daycare video |
streaming daycare video system |
streaming video |
streaming video cameras |
surveillance cameras |
surveillance systems |
video broadcast |
video camera |
video cameras |
video quality |
video surveillance |
viewing experience |
visitation rights |
With divorce rates over 50%, millions of parents and grandparents can only see their children on weekends. In these cases daycare video broadcasts are indispensable. The same is true for parents on long business trips or military deployments.
weatherproof |
web cam |
web cams |
web-cam |
web-cams |
webcam |
webcams |
wired |
wireless |
wireles |