Day-care providers: Let the parents see their kids during the day! |
- Ease frustrations
- Unite families
- Build trust
Parents: Never miss the first smile, the first step, the first word!
Day-care centers, Kindergardens, Pre-schools, Elementary schools, After-school care programs, Children's activity centers, etc.
WebScope enables day-care providers to privately broadcast live video to parents!
Day-care providers only $10/month.
Parents only $25/month.
- Single bill option. Day-care provider pays for parents and sets its own prices or allows free access.
- Individual bills option. Parents join individually.
Day-care providers: Sign up Now
Learn more
Event planners: Show your event to important people anywhere! |
- Invite important people who could not attend in person
- Save on travel and accomodations
- Broaden your audience
Don't let travel costs limit your life and business!
Workshops, Meetings, Presentations, Trade shows, Trainings, Performing arts, Shows, Sports events, Graduations, Celebrations, Weddings, Birthdays, Reunions, etc.
WebScope enables event hosts to privately broadcast live video to remote viewers!
Event hosts only $2/hour.
Viewers only $1/hour.
- Single bill option. Event host pays for viewers and sets its own prices or allows free access.
- Individual bills option. Viewers join individually.
Event planners: Sign up Now
Facilities managers: Monitor your business 24x7 from anywhere! |
- Monitor locations you could not go to
- Save time and money
- Keep it under control without running around
Don't let uncertanty affect your business!
Field offices and branches, Retail stores, Construction sites, Warehouses, Production lines, Fields, Roads, etc.
WebScope enables facilities managers to remotely monitor any facilities from anywhere!
24x7 live video monitoring only $70/month.
12x7 live video monitoring only $35/month.
- Automatic near-real-time off-site video storage!
- Monitor all your business branches at once from anywhere anytime!
- Flexible multi-user access. Real-time control.
Facilities managers: Sign up Now